It's been a few too many weeks since I've linked up with my Five on Friday ladies- April, Christina, Natasha and Darci! So good to be back!
Tonight my best friend's little sister is graduating high school! She's coming to Penn State in the fall and I couldn't be more excited! It got me thinking that this time 3 years ago I was the one graduating!! Where has the time gone?! I love where I'm at in this stage of my life but the past 3 years have FLOWN by!! #flashbackfriday?
I made this BBQ chicken salad last night, recipe from Pinterest (of course!) It had wonderful flavors and so filling! Definitely going to have to make it again!! Mine didn't look as beautiful, so you get to see how the professionals create it!
Love this too much not to share! :)
Beachin puts me in the summer mood. On repeat for sure!
Last year was the year of weddings for us...this year not so much. All I want is to go to a wedding!! Linking up for Friday Fancies: Wedding Wear. Oh, and if that dress or shoes want to appear in my closet, I wouldn't be opposed ;)
I love weddings and that outfit that you put together. Those earrings are necessary in my life!!!!!