Thursday, May 14, 2015

Perfect Summer Glow

This summer I'm committing myself to getting healthy (again). After a health scare last summer and learning more about my family history, being introduced to Aloha and their healthy recipes, it's critical for me to get my health in check. For me, that mostly includes clean eating and exercise... aka getting that summer glow :) Clear, healthy skin!! One of the most noticeable things I found was the inflammation that sugar and process foods cause. Cutting those foods from my "diet" has made a huge difference in my skin, ! I'm not a doctor by any means, but these are just a few ideas that I love and have worked for me! 


  • Infused water- by far my favorite in the summer! Lemon + cucumber is my daily go-to! Drinking half your body weight in water makes a HUGE difference! I know it sounds like a crazy amount, but let me tell you, you'll notice how clear and fresh your skin is!
  •  A few favorite super foods: salmon, sweet potatoes, asparagus, avocado
  • Green drinks: I need to brace myself for this one, but I'm committed to trying one this summer...any ideas?!
  • Recipes I'm eager to try: Chocolate Quinoa Pancakes, Pink Berry Acai Bowl, Spinach SaladCheck out my pinterest boards for more clean eating recipes! 
  • Sidenote: From personal experience and articles I've read up on, I learned the cleaner the gut (stomach), the clearer the skin. Food plays a HUGE role in our skin- so let's take initiative and put superfoods in to our body! Don't we all want that summer glow!? We need these nutrients and our bodies will thank us later!

  • T25
  • Pure Barre

What do you do to achieve your perfect summer glow? 

Linking up with Annie and Natalie today!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

It's Graduation Day

Saturday, May 9th 2015. 

As a second grader, I dreamt of attending Penn State University. Never in a million years did I think this day would come, but somehow it happened in the blink of an eye. 4 short years. From starting in Altoona to finishing at Main Campus, these 4 years have been filled with countless memories, laughter, and lessons learned.

Today I will join the largest alumni network in the world and receive my diploma in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the best university 4 years later. I couldn't be more proud of myself. 

I am going through the roller coaster of emotions that I'm sure every college graduate is feeling.  Happy. Excited. Terrified. I want to soak in all of the moments this weekend brings. From the happy tears to the sad tears to the moment I walk across the stage to accept my diploma. I want to remember it all.

Thank you to my amazing support system- my family and friends. I would not be here today if it wasn't for your guidance, love, and support. Thank you for listening to the good, the bad, and the ugly. Comforting me in my deepest disappointments and celebrating my greatest joys. 

Leaving a place I called home for the last 4 years is so bittersweet, on to new adventures! PSiloveU 
Jill O'Brien Photography

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