Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Liebster Award

I was so excited when Kristian nominated me for the Liebster Award a few weeks ago! I've never been nominated before so I was jumping up and down when I was notified! :) 
So, here are the rules if you choose to accept the nomination:

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you
2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominator
3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award (with a small following)
4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees
5. You must notify your nominees

Here are my answers to Kristian's questions :)

1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Eggplant Parmesan! SO delicious! 

2. What would a perfect day look like for you?
At the beach, with friends, and a great book in hand! Enjoying each other's company since we rarely are all able to get together :) Adding the boat + fishing to the day would make it even better! 

3. What movie will you never get tired of watching?
Princess Diaries. Parent Trap comes in very close as a top! I'm a sucker for rom-coms and know every line!

4. What is your dream pet?
German Short Haired Pointer named Emmy or Chocolate Lab named Bella

5. Where is your favorite place to shop?
I have many so it's hard to narrow down, but I'd have to say Loft and Gap are top faves!  

6. If you could eat lunch with anyone (alive or dead), who would you choose?
Carrie Underwood because she is amazing and a role model for sure! I'd love to sit and chat about life with her! During I lunch I will also ask what her beauty secrets are to being so gorgeous 24/ that weird?

7. What is your favorite board game?
As cliche as it sounds, Life. I used to love loading up all my kids in the minivan! 

8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People not using their turn signals when driving. Not even sure why it bothers me so much, it just does!! 

9. What is the best gift you’ve ever given and/or received?
I'd have to say my Aquamarine necklace I got for my 21st from my Momma. 

10. Besides water, food, and shelter, what is one thing that you could not go a day without?
Talking to my Momma. Some days we talk almost 2 hours! There's a joke going around with my friends now that if I don't respond to their texts within 15 minutes they know I'm on the phone with her :) 

Here are my nominees: 
Lauren @ Peach State of Mind
Megan @ Simply Meg
Chelsea @ Girl Growing Up
Kristina @ Medicine & Manicures
Zoe @ Prescriptions & Pearls 
Michelle @ It's The New Twenty
Taylor @ Cup of T
Theresa @ From Foothills to Fog
Katie @ Katie Elizabeth
Mia @ Make Me Up Mia

And now my 10 questions! 
1. Early Bird or Night Owl?  
2. How did you meet your best friend?  
3. What's your favorite perfume/scent?
4. Where is your "happy place?"
5. Name a song you can't get out of your head
6. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? 
7. What's your dream vacation? 
8. Fall or Spring?
9. Describe yourself in 3 words. 
10. Coffee, Tea or Soda?  

Thanks again, Kristian for nominating me!! 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

MDW Recap

Such a relaxing weekend spent at home! Loved every minute of it, however I didn't capture many of the moments! 

From the parade yesterday....

Happy 4 day week, friends! 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Here, but barely

Whew!! What.A.Week. Praising the Lord it is Friday, AND a 3 day weekend!
Two weeks down, two to go! These summer classes and working are keeping me very, very busy! Believe it or not, I have missed blogging and have a few fun posts coming up :) 

So, I still am here! Just slowly coming back up for air! 
Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Five on Friday {5.16.14}

HAPPY FRIDAY! Monday feels like ages ago in my book! You know the deal, so let's get right to linking up!!
Wednesday morning I saw that Emily Ley released her new 2015 Simplified Planner covers...eeek! Super cute! I found out about the Simplified Planner right after I purchased my Erin Condren one last year. Looking to try something different next year and it think it's the perfect switch! Do you have the Simplified Planner? Pros? Cons?
Lately I've been obsessing over one of Lilly's newest prints, Ring The Bell Boy! Tulips + catchy name + bright spring-y colors...bam ya sold me! (Lobstah Roll comes a close tie!) If I could have everything in either of these prints we'd have a happy camper on our hands. But for now I'll keep dreaming...

What's your favorite Lilly print? 
Trying my best to find the beauty and blessings in these next three weeks... Prayers would be much appreciated
Which brings me down to my next week down, three to go! These summer classes are killing me! I want summer (and the homesick blues are also getting to me) :)
So, if you should know one thing about me, it's that I am OBSESSED with the Princess Diaries movie- just the first one though, the second I was too grown up aka the awkward middle school phase- had no impact. Needless to say, the first Princess Diaries will forever have a special place in my heart. While browsing facebook one day last week, I saw Meg Cabot is writing a new book....MIA AND MICHAEL ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!!! I squealed like a little kid, in case you couldn't tell. I must read the book and I might even cry if they make a movie because Mia and Michael are perfect together :)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, friends!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekend Recap

I've come to the realization that the only time I blog is on Fridays and the occasional Monday. After finals are done this week I'm going to {attempt} to get back into blogging regularly. These past few weeks have been CRAAAZY! 

Friday night I saw Tyler Farr, Florida Georgia Line and Jason Aldean with friends! One word: AMAZING!! I've seen Jason Aldean perform two other times- this one was just as good as the others. I will let the pictures do the talking, otherwise I'll keeping babbling :)

After the concert I went to celebrate my friend Megan's 21st! 

A few of the girls also attempted making a cake for her 21st! Doesn't look like we will be winning any decorating contests any time soon ;)

Saturday and Sunday were spent studying for finals- no fun there!

Linking up for Mingle Monday with Meg

Friday, May 2, 2014

Five on Friday

Thinking back to Monday I thought I would never see Friday, but somehow the week flew and here we are!!  Linking up with Christina and the Five on Friday gals!! 
Cannot handle my excitement to see this man in concert tonight!!! It's Jason Aldean in case you didn't know ;)

This week sweet Kristian nominated me for the Liebster Award!! I had so much fun reading her post. Check back next week for my responses to her questions! 
Such a simple, but great reminder!! Came across this bag in passing at Walmart...can you believe it!?

I came across this beautiful Essie color {Mod Squad} at Ulta. So bright and perfect to kick off May! 

Last day of classes was today! I can't believe I'm almost finished my junior year of college!!!
Happy MAY, friends!!!

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