Happy Halloween, y'all!! Linking up with my favorite linkup ladies with another edition of Five on Friday and Oh, Hey Friday!
1// I picked up some Chobani pumpkin spice greek yogurt this week and added a dollop of whip cream on top. It almost tasted like pumpkin pie. It was my treat instead of eating too much halloween candy. Definitely a winner in my book!
2// Loving the low-maintence of my new 'do! A few weeks ago I went to my new go-to girl, Rebecca at David J. Witchell Salon. I was going for a fall look and I think she nailed it :) I can't remember the last time I had my hair this short...3 years ago?? But it's such a nice change! Not to mention I forgot how much I love that it takes about half the time to style short hair!! *Never post selfies
3// Added a cozy touch to my room. loving it!! Christmas lights for the win!! Excuse the crappy picture quality #4sproblems...counting down the days until my 6 gets shipped!!
4// Can you say obsessing over Kate Spade + GapKids' collaboration this holiday season!!? Wish I had a little girl to dress up! This stuff is adorable!
5// Grateful for Proverb 31 Ministries + their inspiration
Two years ago, Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast impacting many of the New Jersey (and New York) towns/beaches, including where my grandparents used to live. If you've been around the blog for a while, you'll know that my grandparents beach house was a large part of my childhood. I wrote this short except the week Sandy occurred to attempt wrapping my brain around the entire tragedy. Coming across the entry recently gave me the desire to share.
I could never fully understand the impact that Hurricane Katrina had on the Gulf Coast because I wasn't apart of it and it seemed so distant to me- both geographically and emotionally. However, experiencing Sandy within the past week changed my entire perspective. This experience has hit so hard and closer to home then I ever thought something could. Lavallette- the place where I grew up, spent my summers, made memories, shared time with loved ones. The place that also developed my deep love for the beach. Each time I start to think about the devastation across Jersey beaches, I get nauseous. Not even able to face the fact that everything is gone. The photographs posted online were horrifying to see. I can't imagine what it has been like the past few days with people losing their houses and all of their belongings and numerous power outages. The shock I feel is traumatizing, let alone the individuals who are living it. I know that our God will help to slowly rebuild the place we came to know and love. Lavallette will never be how we knew it prior to Hurricane Sandy, but the rebuilding process gives us a fresh start. I pray that God heals those grieving right now and for the individuals who are strong enough to help in the clean up and re-building process.
Two years later, the same emotions are present. As I sit here and reflect, I'm still at a loss for words. I couldn't imagine having my life torn apart like Sandy did to so many. Unfortunately I haven't been to Lavallette in almost three years. I want to go back so bad but there's something holding me back. Is it the fear of wondering what my beloved "second home" will look like? Or the bittersweet feelings of what was once there- in my personal life and the town itself. I like the happy memories still etched in my mind and think I'm going to keep it that way, for now at least :)
Remembering my sweet town on this day.
Disclaimer: These are my own thoughts and feelings, and opinions I never lived this personally but this place was so much of my childhood.
I think this week won the yuckiest weather of the year award. It was a miracle if I saw the sun more than once this week!! Cheers to Friday! Linking up with Karli and my Five on Friday ladies: Christina, April, Darci, and Natasha!
I need recommendations for a new blender. I had an on the go blender for compact reasons and tonight as I was making my shake I noticed a bent blade and long story short, the other half broke off when I went to bent it back while the other half was somewhere in my shake. Tried to sift out the blade but it was MIA in the shake...Scary! So...I need to find a new blender that can handle ice!! Any/all suggestions are welcomed!
Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. I think it's safe to say I'm the only girl who has never watched this show! But that's about to change hopefully soon!! I took a quiz to see which character I was most like and got Lorelai-excited to see how true the quiz results are! Planning on spending the weekend starting the first season :)
I snagged these cute hand towels at Kohl's last weekend on super sale. Winning! Excited to put them to use! This B+BW candle is also filling my apartment pumpkin goodness!!
If you read yesterday's post, I'm doing much, much better! The stress and emotions have lifted. Sometimes it's a relief to get the words onto paper. So thank you for your sweet words and encouragement!! I'm also headed home this weekend (yes, again)- yay! Have yet to be in State College for a weekend this month. Also seeing at least one of my best friends every weekend thus far has been a total win. Excited for a much needed (actual) coffee date this weekend :)
I wasn't expecting to take a blogging hiatus, but it happened. And I can honestly say I didn't miss coming up with posts. Life has been crazy. The last two weeks have been an absolute blur. Normally I'd feel guilty about taking a break but I don't. Blogging was becoming a chore and I didn't want that. I want to come to this space excited and ready to write. And after all, what would be the point of writing a lackluster to post only to waste your time time and mine?
If We Were On a Coffee Date this morning I'd give you a peek as to what's been going on in these last few weeks...
+If we were on a coffee date I'd bust out to tell you that I'm going home (again) this weekend. It couldn't be more perfect timing.
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell you that one of my my favorite bloggers, Elise announced her pregnancy earlier this week and I could not be more excited for her and her hubby Mark!! She's the sweetest. I'd then probably ramble on why I love her blog so much. If you haven't read her blog, go do it! And be sure to tell her that I sent you her way :)
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell that it's been a year to the day that my Grandpa passed away. It's just weird and feels like an eternity since I've seen him. Then I'd probably get a lump in my throat thinking of all the memories. I'd quickly ask what's going on in your world just to change the topic.
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell you that I'm having a really hard season. I can't even explain what's going on. A MAJOR funk that I can't get out of. Maybe even shed a few tears. But don't worry- I won't get too emotional on ya. Save that for another time and place!
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell you that Jason Aldean's new cd is on repeat and I can't stop listening. One of the best things getting me through the week. Oh and my B+BW fall candle. That too has been a God send. Makes my apartment smell good too! Double win! :)
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell you that I have the holiday decorating bug already. I understand I should be decorating for Halloween but if you know something about me, I hate Halloween. I'll pass on the haunted houses and everything scary. Bring on Thanksgiving and Christmas!!
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell you that I need "Kate Time" to feel rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated. To go somewhere or be with people who can get me back to my happy place.
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell you that last weekend I took the GRE's and they rocked.my.world- in the worst way possible. Thinking about them and grad school scares me to no end. What if I don't get in? What's my back-up plan? ...the list of questions goes on and on
+If we were on a coffee date I'd tell you I can't wait to have my own apartment because living with a constantly sloppy roommate doesn't make this clean freak happy at all. Or maybe it's secretly so I can finally decorate how I want...duh!
+If we were on a coffee date I'd promise to you that I really do have a wonderful, blessed life. I'm not always a "Debbie Downer" even though by the looks of this post it sure seems like I am. It is a wonderful life. This season is helping me grow- thankful for that. #owningit
+If we were on a coffee date I'd look at my watch and be surprise how quickly two hours had passed! And then tell you how much I appreciate you- over and over. I'd thank you for listening to me while I poured my heart out in the tiny corner of our local coffee shop
If we were on a coffee date what would you share?
Linking up with Annie and Nat for another week of Thoughts for Thursday!
Friday! Friday! Friday!
If waking up on Wednesday and thinking it was Friday has any indication to how long the week felt. Then saying I'm praising the Lord the weekend is here would be an understatement. Jumping for JOY! And my favorite linkup is back: Five on Friday! Yay!
| one |
I'm headed HOME this weekend! Actually as we speak! Excited to just be. Relaxing and having a cozy weekend lounging + catching up with family + friends (+ DVR of course!) As my favorite Wizard of Oz character would say...
| two |
I have a hair appointment on Sunday and I honestly can't decide what direction I'm going. Well, all I know is I want to go darker...more fall-esque. (Keep reading, I just made that word up.) Below are some pinspirations of the vibe I'm going for. *note to self: when put in a collage, they all look the same...whoops-well you get the point*
one :: two :: three :: four :: five
| three |
Sunday I spent the afternoon writing notes to sweet friends and attaching a small gift with it! There's something to be said for snail mail that often gets pushed to the back burner these days. As I was writing I realized that we've all been friends since our toddler days (18+ years) and I think this was the first time I've ever written them a handwritten note (besides thank you notes.) Like what?! Insane. Making it a goal to write more snail mail. It's good for the soul, for both the giver and receiver.
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Friday funnies
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October is going to be a jam packed month. All of the weekends are booked except for ONE! How is that possible?! Whew, makes me tired just thinking of the excitement!
October 3rd-5th: HOME!
October 9th-12th: Girls Weekend
October 10th: GRE..........
October 17-19th: free...
October 24th-26th: Ohio State game
October 31st- November 2nd: Halloween!
Linking up with Karli, Christina, Natasha, April, and Darci!!
See ya, September! I'm ready for sweatshirt & hot chocolate weather...not 86* at the end of September!
September goal list was long, BUT most of them were completed! Yay!! 12/16..not too shabby!
Start semester strong academically
- Finish The Beach House...Ha. I think this is becoming a joke...I'll be happy if I finish it by Christmas!
Celebrate Homecoming
- Attend country night ....apparently they don't do this anymore at one of the local bars? Woof.
Take advantage of the farmers market
- Be more spontaneous...we're working on it!
Send 3 letters to Friends Yes!! Can't wait for my sweet friends to receive their letters!! #101in1001 goal
Get better at meal planning + stick to it finally getting the hang of it!
Schedule the GRE October 10th at 9am...pray for me!
Comment more on blogs Loved finding some new blogs!
Pay off credit card + no spending on card YES!!!
Blog 3x a week for the month {101 in 1001 goal} This also happened!
Soak up as much time in Beaver Stadium as possible {because I didn't get season tickets...for senior year. womp..call me dumb}
Tailgate duh
Celebrate Erica coming to visit :) my bff came to visit and it was the best!
- Update my about me page- in fact, create it.
I have a feeling October is going to be a pretty crazy month, so I'm going to keep it light and easy!
-Stick with Meal Planning (+ maybe share)
-Find a Halloween costume (or two)....TAKING IDEAS!!! :)
-Start and finish the 21 day fix
-The Best Yes bible study
-Take the GRE
-Spend time with family & friends
-Find a new coffee shop
-Actually create my "about me" page
-Go to a pumpkin patch
-Carve said pumpkin(s)
-Invest in a new pair of boots
-Document the changing colors
-Cozy up with more books, tea, candles, and blankets!
Happy October 1st!! I feel like I say this at the beginning of every month, but honestly where did September go!? It has been a blur from day one! As always linking up with my favorite gals Mia and Kelli today for my September loves! I didn't realize as I was putting together my list of how weird my favorites were this month haha. They're the most random things!
Emergen-C Immune + :: This was a LIFESAVER when I was sick at the beginning of the month! My immune system was shot + I was fighting one of the nastiest head colds I've had in a veryyy long time! Couldn't lift my head off the pillow from Thursday morning until Saturday afternoon!! When I was finally able to get out of bed I went to the store and snagged Emergen-c! Best.Idea.Ever. Even after the first day of taking it I felt so much better! Replaced all of the nutrients I lost! Score!
B&BW Stress Relief Lotion :: Love love love! Can't say enough good things about this product! Mixture of soothing scents is perfect! {Recommend for gift baskets!!}
Essie Adore-a-ball :: Mia actually introduced me into this color and I could not love it more!!! Thanks girl :)
Incredible by VS Sport Bra :: Bought this bra on a whim- totally unlike me!! I tried on two different sports bras and went with the one above. Best sports bra I've ever worn. And I've gone through quite a few different brands! Only con: pricey!
Noise maker :: Never slept with a noise maker until my new roommie moved in. The first night she told me about it I was hesitant that I wouldn't be able to sleep...now I can't sleep without it!!! HA! Blocks every sound which is perfect especially when the college parties are going on Thursday nights and you have exams the next day. Woof. You bet when I get my own apartment I'll be buying this one!
PB Cosmetic Case :: Hunt for small "on the go" cosmetic case = done! Thanks to Pottery Barn :) I saw the one above on a slight sale and new I had to snag it before they sold out! I'm excited to use it for travel/overnight when I only need a few things instead of dragging my bulky Vera Bradley one around! Plus it was way cheaper than Vera
Bubba Water Jug :: I have a slight water bottle obsession. Okay a huge water bottle obsession. But like at this point, what's one more?! If it helps me get in my water intake for the day, I'll do whatever it takes :)
What else happened in September you may ask? Let's see...
:: scheduled classes for my last semester *tears*
:: my bff came to visit
:: ordered Emily Ley's 2015 Simplified Planner...sad I have to wait 3 months to use it!
:: farmers market flowers make my heart smile {and nightstand much brighter}
::Sat in Beaver Stadium and fell in love with my school even more- if that's even possible!
::I participated in Bailey's Blogtember Challenge and wrote about a variety of topics: savoring your season, favorite reads, going on a coffee date, and so much more!
:: pumpkin coffee from DD is back, need I say more?
What was your favorite item or memory from September?
What are you most looking forward to in October?
Linking up with Leslie too!