Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I know I've been pretty absent from the blog this month. But it got me thinking, not one of my posts used the words thankful or grateful. Even when life is chaotic and seems like nothing is going right, there's always something to be thankful for. I tend to be the pessimist and I'm not proud of that by any means. When things are going well I'm the happiest and when life is hard I'm the downer and have a hard time finding the simplest blessings. Then I write down a list of the things I'm thankful for and my entire mood shifts. In honor of Thanksgiving, I'm making my list. God has blessed my life immensely and what more perfect of a day to honor His blessings in my life. Some of these are obvious and some not obvious. xo 

+ my family and friends who continue to encourage and support me 

+ a home, warm bed, clothes on my back, hot showers, and food on the table 

+ His overwhelming grace 

+ dvr 

+ laughter and sunshine

+ wine (duh.)

+ faith, hope, and love 

+ my camera to be able to capture memories that will last a lifetime 

+ heated seats in my car on cold mornings

+ the grace and strength to get through tough times, like this semester and grad school apps 

+ baby snuggles and giggles 
+ The Bachelor...not that I'm counting down to January or anything ;) 

+ and that Gilmore Girls is now on netflix 

+ coffee dates 

+ the ability to travel

+ manicures

+ fresh cut flowers 
+ having a job- let alone two

+ peanut butter, spaghetti squash, and chocolate- but definitely not all together. ew. just ew. 

+ pinterest 

+ our first snow of the season yesterday! 

+ not having to set an alarm tomorrow 
+ my education 

+ the candle that is burning currently and the christmas music quietly playing in the background 

+ thanksgiving break

+ elastic waist pants...because of course that will definitely be part of my outfit today ;)

I'm thanking God yet again for blessing me with more than I ever deserve. Simply letting my mind wander, thinking of all things I am thankful for. I know I'm missing many but that can be saved for another day :) Happy Thanksgiving, friends! Hope you have a wonderful time spent with loved ones! 

What are you thankful for this year?


  1. I love love love this list! It's easy to "forget" to be thankful for the little things - like elastic waistbands on Thanksgiving :) And come on January!! I'm ready for the Bachelor to return, too!

  2. I'm a little behind here, but Happy Thanksgiving to you, Kate! I couldn't agree more that the things we take for granted, are things others are praying for. And how great is it to live in a world with fresh cut flowers?



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