Friday, November 7, 2014

Five On Friday

Whew, Friday. We made it!! Linking up with my Five on Friday ladies!

|| ONE ||
Wednesday afternoon I was lucky enough to sit in on a webinar with Emily Ley and Lara Casey. It was my first time hearing each of them and boy, was it life changing! They're so encouraging. I wish I had a recording of the webinar even though I took many notes!! Excited to start doing what matters most using my simplified planner and (pre-order) my power sheets!! Thank you Lara and Emily for sharing so purposefully and changing the lives of so many women! xo
Newest desktop which you can find HERE

 || TWO || 
Also on Wednesday my back decided it was going to spasm. Fun fun I tell ya. Along with my neck and shoulders being in tremendous pain I decided to make a massage appointment. I figured they were busy was expecting the first available to be some next week...nope. They had an opening that afternoon. God is GOOD y'all!! Just another reminder of His goodness! I think that was the most relaxing hour of my life! 

|| THREE ||
Apparently Wednesday was the most eventful day of my week! Because the CMA's were also on!! Love me some country music! Carrie is super woman. I want to know her secret to looking so fabulous pregnant or not! 
via Rolling Stones online
|| FOUR ||
|| FIVE || 
Relaxing weekend ahead with nothing planned! Wait I forgot to mention all of the school work and grad apps that need to get done. Sigh. Soon it will be over-- then we will celebrate! xo


  1. Love all of your someecard pins! Those are always my favorites :) So glad you got a massage--back pain in THE worst!!!

  2. oh girl, if those aren't my favorite hobbies, too! Pinning, pinning, pinning!! And I may or may not have just loaded up a crazy full cart at target, and then closed the entire page. story of my life!

  3. YESSSS to everything!!!! words. LOVE HER!!! xx

  4. I was so excited for the CMA's, love me some Carrie!

  5. Love those funnies! I actually took a little detour to Lara's site and spent forever. Thanks for promoting her!

  6. OMG yes to the funny about 10 years ago. I still think 1990's instead of 2000's....gah I feel so old now!
    ~Elise @

  7. The CMAs were very entertaining! Carrie is gorgeous and so funny. I DVR'd it because my husband doesn't share my love for the CMAs :) So glad to have found your blog in the link up - it's lovely!! Looking forward to following along.

  8. Oh my gosh, girl, I am obsessed with Carrie on another level! She was to die for! And I read somewhere that 1997 was 17 years ago and I seriously couldn't believe it! Time just keeps on flying by!



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