Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Monthly Faves {June}

First off, Happy JULY!!  I hope June treated y'all well!! I'm happy to be linking up with Mia and Kelli today for for Monthly Faves! 

june faves 

one: {Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher} Imagine you're driving with the windows down, sunroof open, music blaring, hair blowing all around all while sipping on very berry hibiscus refresher. It's a summer drink by far!

two: {The Fault In Our Stars} The ending. The ugly sobs. During the movie, I kept thinking I can't believe I'm not crying yet- everyone talked about how much they cried and I hadn't even shed a single one. Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Cold, hard, ugly sobs. Trying to contain most of the crying so the other movie watchers wouldn't think I was a complete psycho. Although I did hear other sniffles  so it didn't make me feel so bad. Regardless, if it watch TFIOS again at home, I'd be a basket case all over again. 

three: {It's a 10 Leave In Conditioner} Best. Detangler. Ever. 

four: {EOS lip balm} Late to jumping on the bandwagon! Picked this up as an imp use at the CVS register- pomegranate  flavor. I see the serious obsession. Wasn't a fan of the price at first, but soon found out it was well worth it!

five: {Brow Zings} My new favorite beauty product

six: {Endless Weekend Soap} By far the BEST scent ever. Bath and Body Works, you rock!! New favorite smell. I bought the soap then went  back to buy the candle and they were all sold out. Womp. Guess that's what I deserve for waiting to get the candle! But seriously, go buy the soap. You'll thank me later!

Go over and linkup with Mia and Kelli- I'd loved to see your June faves! Happy early 4th!!


  1. Girl. I think I love you. You have EOS on there!!! I wasn't too keen on the hibiscus drink though... I am just a regular coffee girl I guess when it comes to Starbucks. I tried their new Fizzio yesterday and I didn't much like that either. Their regular sweet tea is the bomb!!

    I can NOT for the love of me read or watch TFIOS. I can't do the sadness. I hate cancer. It scares me. And I am a bad hypochondriac. So by reading that or watching it, I will only send myself deeper in a hole I have created in the earth to hide. Okay so that last sentence was a white lie. But you get my point. LOL!!

    Loving your blog girl! :)

  2. I love that refresher, too, when I don't want something with coffee! Now you got me wanting to smell that bbw scent!!!

  3. I need to try that scent from bath and body!

  4. LOVE your list! EOS Balms and It's a 10 are the best! I love that drink too, so refreshing. Have you had the Passion fruit shaken iced tea lemonade from Starbucks, that is my fave. I make it at home now, I can't get enough!

  5. I love brow zing as well! I stopped using it for a while once I got the Anastasia Brow Wiz, but sometimes I definitely prefer the brow zing instead! EOS balms are the best- this is such a great roundup of picks for the month!

  6. Thanks so much for linking up with us! I loved your list :) I LOVE the EOS ball...I honestly love all of the fave is the Honeysuckle Honeydew. I need to try the sounds very summery!! Have a great Wednesday!

  7. I am loving this list! I love the Endless Weekend scent. And I am now convinced to get the It's a 10! I've heard only good things about it.

    xo, Michaela

    1. Yes!! Buy It's a 10!! You won't be disappointed!! Happy three day weekend! xoxo

  8. I think I'm the only one left who hasn't read that book. It's on my list for this summer though. Pass the tissues! Love that EOS lip balm!

  9. I couldn't live without my It's a 10! Best hair product ever. And I still need to read TFIOS! Everyone loves it!

  10. I love love my Its a 10!!! Its the best stuff invented. My hairdresser talked me into this other stuff one day that was more expensive and she said was better, but it definitely wasn't. I went right back to my its a 10!

  11. So basically now I want everything in this post. I've read The Fault in Our Stars, but I haven't seen the movie yet.... Probably because I haven't yet been able to prepare myself for movie-theater-crying. That's always the worst kind! Is Brow Zing easy to use?! I'm not very good at makeup in general, but I need a good brow product!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I love hearing from every single one of you! xoxo

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