Sunday, March 24, 2013

Taking Chances

I feel like I've failed already as a blogger because I was too busy to post the past few days. Whoops. Anyway, onto today's blog post... 

I just turned 20 last week and I've been kind of down in the dumps lately. Partially because of the weather, being far away from home, and over all just kinda blah. I feel like I haven’t been living, like TRULY living. You may wonder what that definition is, and quite honestly I’m not sure but I feel taking chances would definitely be a part of it. Time is flying by WAY too fast and I want experience as many things as I can. I haven’t been taking enough “me” time whether it’d be watching tv, getting a manicure, reading a book etc. I think I’ve suffered a lot from that, which sounds really selfish but we all need to do things for ourselves every once in a while. Which leads me to my post about taking chances…

I've wanted to change my hair color up for a while. But, I was scared of messing it up, not being able t0 trust someone and whatnot. Friday my friend Alyssa decided she wanted bangs, and being the nice friend I am, I drove her to the salon. It was literally a blessing in disguise. Hannah, who cut Alyssa’s bangs was so sweet. After Alyssa was done with her appointment, I asked Hannah a couple questions about coloring my hair. She seemed about our age and there was an instant connection and I felt I could trust her. I also didn’t have to worry about knowing her and hurting her feelings if I didn’t like the color (which was a big plus because that was another fear of mine). So within a few minutes, I decided to take a chance. I made an appointment with her yesterday afternoon at 4. Not going to lie, I was scared but knew if I didn’t like it I could just die my hair back.

What do you think?

Although it's a small change, I feel like a new person. Taking those two hours and doing something for me made all the difference.

Last weekend I took another chance. I took a big girl road trip by myself, followed the GPS, read signs, jammed out (thanks Luke Bryan) and arrived at E-town safe and sound. I had a BLAST with my friends and I'm so glad I made the trip. (that’s a post for another day!) You're probably thinking, "she thinks that's taking chances, it’s nothing." And yes you are completely right, looking back on it, they're both small things in the scheme of life, but in the moment it was big to me. I trusted my gut, it gave me more confidence and I haven’t looked back.

I found this quote and fell in love with it! Here's to taking more chances!! 

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